
dear diary: i wanna be popular

Professional Mannequin© talks with McFly of Popularphasion.com
PMqn: For those who may not be familiar with you tell our readers just who is McFly?

McFly: The fashion/graphic/web designer of the future. Ceo and designer of Popular Goodness.

PMqn: McFly of Popular Goodness; What is Popular Goodness & where did the concept come from?

McFly: The concept of Popular Goodness been almost 8 years in the making. From the sketches of a 13 year old, to today’s intricate designs, Popular Goodness has evolved from just a dream to a reality. Popular Goodness is the collective of Popular Goodies and Popular Flyness. The Popular designs focus on visual stimulation, bringing Fresh New Innovative styles.

PMqn: Are you in school; what's your major?

McFly:Yea, my major is Interactive Media

PMqn: Whats and average day in the life of McFly like?

McFly :Go to school, come home and design. I eat and sleep design.

PMqn: Was creating your own line in the beginning a hard road to travel for you?

McFly: Well since Ive been working on this since I was like 13, just going through stages seeing what works and what doesn't. The hardest thing for me is knowing I have a good product and stores not giving me a chance. Thats the only thing that bothers me, or is hard for me.

PMqn: Who's your target audience?

McFly: The target audience are people that are tired of the same, and in need of change. The age group ranges from 15-30. This is the group that is trying to define themselves and I believe that the Popular brand will help a lot in that definition.

PMqn: Where did your logo originate?

McFly: Well by me being a designer, I cook up new logos almost every month I have been working on branding a getting the right logo for a minute. Its working out pretty well

PMqn: What is a "must have" for McFly?

McFly: A computer, internet and Adobe creative suite.

PMqn: What would you say your style is?

McFly: My style is a mix of everything I like. Im really into retro fashions and hard to find pieces.

PMqn: Do you have a favorite piece in your current collection; what is it?

McFly: For me personally I have a new shirt coming out that I really like alot. But the bandanna seems to be everybody's favorite so of course I like that too.

PMqn: With fashion being the most unpredictable industry how do you remain confident in your own designs?

McFly: I dont follow trends, I don't design for whats hot or whats not. I try to make classic pieces that still have that edge to it. I dont really worry about whats going on in the industry, I just focus on doing what I love, and its been working out really well.

PMqn: Are you satisfied with the relationship you have with your line now?

McFly: Yea, me and the line have been through a lot in the last year and Im pretty satisfied at the progress and the steps the line has made. Its doing better than I could ever hope for so im satisfied.

PMqn: Where do you see Popular Goodness in five years?

McFly: In five years I see Popular Goodness keeping up the quality of design and keeping up innovative styles. I see popular Goodness being a household name.

PMqn: What is your ultimate goal with Popular Goodness?

McFly: My ultimate goal is just to reach that pinnacle of success where the fans are pleased with every season and the brand is known as one of the forerunners in innovative and creative fashions.

PMqn: Where can we find & shop for Popular Goodness?

McFly: Im happy you asked that. Well Popular Goodness is available online at Popularphasion.com. We were planning on taking it to the stores to make it easier for the fans of the line but No boutique or store really responded to me or my reps, so Ive made the decision that the line will be exclusive to online. I have something else that would be pretty big, if things go right, coming up that I hope will make it easier for the fans.

PMqn: Any final words for our readers?

McFly: I just want to say a big thanks to all the fans and all of the customers and future customers of the brand. 2008 promises to be one of, if not the biggest Popular year yet. Thanks for all your loyalty and support. I wont let you down.Popular Goodness... Never settle for less.

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